Crimson Skies Wiki

This is the general discussion page for the wiki! New founders should leave a nice welcome message and encourage new visitors and editors to leave a note to get the conversation started.

Howdy. I'm Delta One, and as you can see I've taken a bit of an interest around here. However, we're reaching a critical point - a point I'm going to call the Canon Information Singularity.

The CIS is the point at which there simply isn't enough canon information to explain something, at which point a wiki has a decision to be made - either they stick rigidly to the established, official canon (a la Wikipedia, or they allow the community to make up its own additions to the canon, to explain away the inconsistencies and add to the rich fabric of the story, in the style of Wookieepedia, which sticks to canon where it exists and improvises where it does not.

I'm confident that my opinion on the matter is clear - but what do you think? I'm going to let this discussion run on for a bit before formulating any official policy.

DeltaOne 09:45, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
